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Ancillary Services

Enaon EDA, as the distribution network operator in the area of Attica, may provide to Distribution Users and/or Final Consumers, indicatively and not restrictively, the following services which are ancillary to the Core Activity and which are provided exclusively within its License

  • Connection of new Delivery Points to the Distribution Network.
  • Installation and maintenance of intelligent metering systems, including all necessary equipment to maintain the systems.
  • Technical inspections of pressure measurement and regulation stations of the Delivery Points, at the request of the Distribution User or the Final Customer.
  • Installation of telemetry equipment onto existing Delivery Points, at the request of the Distribution User or the Final Customer.
  • Relocation of part of an existing Distribution Network at the request of an End Consumer or Distribution User.
  • Modification of the External Installation, at the request of the Final Customer.
  • Interruption, dismantling or deactivation of part or all of the External Installation, either at the request of the Distribution User or End Consumer, or upon termination of the Connection Agreement.
  • Reactivation of part or whole of the External Installation after an interruption, at the request of the Final Consumer or the End User.
  • Disconnection of the Final Consumer with intervention at the External Installation.
  • Reconnection of Final Consumer with intervention at the External Installation.
  • Checking existing Internal Installations upon power failure and/or disconnection, for safety reasons.
  • Meter inspection or calibration/verification at the request of the Final Consumer or the End User.
  • Recording of measurements by the Operator at the request of the Final Consumer or End User with a frequency deviating from the one specified in the Metering Regulation.
  • Providing data for a connection request that has been temporarily denied, on the possibilities of future service.