Health & Safety
Safely We Care!
Our goal is Zero Accidents
The health and safety of our people, our partners and our customers is of primary importance for the daily operation of our Company. Therefore, we provide a safe working environment and invest in a proactive safety culture, aiming to achieve “zero accidents”, for both employees as well as all natural gas distribution networks located in the Attikis basin.
Our vision of achieving “zero accidents” has been a key objective of the Company from the start of the Company’s operation and it is a goal that we believe is achievable. For that reason, we define and implement the best possible practices for the prevention of occupational diseases and accidents, setting the basis for the continuous improvement of safety conditions.
The development of a strong prevention culture is implemented under the motto : ” Of Course We Care, Think, Work, Return Home Safely”. Several educational and awareness-raising activities are carried out, and also the conduct of the annual Safety Day, a where employees celebrate safety and is dedicated to the common goal of Zero Accidents.