Our Company
The Company exercises its powers and duties as the Natural Gas Distribution Network Operator in the geographical areas of:
- The Region Unit of Attica, as specified in the Natural Gas Distribution (Gov. Gaz. Β’5904/31.12.2018) and the Natural Gas Distribution Network Operation Licenses (Gov. Gaz. Β΄5923/31.12.2018), provided for by the applicable Law.
- The Regional Unit of Thessaloniki and the Region of Thessaly, as specified in the Natural Gas Distribution (Gov. Gaz. B’ 5922/31.12.2018) and the Natural Gas Distribution Network Operation Licenses (Gov. Gaz. Β’ 5916/31.12.2018), provided for by the applicable Law.
- the Region Units of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace, Central Macedonia, Central Greece, Western Macedonia, Western Greece, Epirus and Peloponnese, as specified in the Natural Gas Distribution (Gov. Gaz. ΦΕΚ Β΄ 5905/31.12.2018) and the Natural Gas Distribution Network Operation Licenses (Gov. Gaz. 5903/31.12.2018), provided for by the applicable Law.
More specifically, the Company functions include the construction, maintenance, operation, management and, in general, the exploitation of the Natural Gas Distribution Network within the aforementioned geographical areas, as set out in the Natural Gas Distribution and the Natural Gas Distribution Network Operation Licenses.